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This painting is about dating apps. In it I talk about how the dating world has become transactional. Dating apps and social media have normalized relationships built on the expectation for reciprocation. Generally, both individuals are concerned with how they will benefit instead of looking for a relationship where both parties see each other as a person and understand the other's needs. 


This is also about how we have way too many options when it comes to dating. Too many people that we can instantly connect with. This mix of FOMO and complete dread is what I hope people will relate to when looking at this painting. It's a bit sarcastic. 


Dating apps and social media basically stamp a grade or a price tag on your forehead. One point if you have a photo in your bathing suit, three points if you have an above average social media following, two points for griffindor if you have a photo in yoga pants featuring your butt! We all care too much about how people percieve us, that affects what we expect from the people closest to us. 


If you would like to see more of my work please check out my online gallery under the 'portfolio' tab on the menu. If the painting you like is not listed on my shop it likely means that it has already been sold. You are more than welcome to send me a request to commission a painting.


All of my works come with an artwork bill of sale, a certificate of authenticity and a copyright certificate. 


For more information please see terms & conditions below. 

Boys I Love

SKU: 2018boysilove01
  • 48" x 48" x 1.5"

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Katja Müller

Los Angeles, CA 

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